Saturday, April 16, 2016

Fia Fia

Fia Fia

What an amazing night. My first Fia Fia, if someone was to ask me which cultural dance I liked, I couldn't tell you, I enjoyed them all. The whole night took my breath away.
From weeks of practices and the same song going over and over in my mind, I think I lost a kg or 2 practicing the routines with the very awesome and glowing Jump Jam team. 
Thanks to my wonderful colleagues Miss Szymanik, Mrs Stickland  and to the students, 
you made us so very proud.


  1. You guys just 'glowed'!! Well were all amazing!!

  2. HI ROOM 26 I really liked your dance for Fia Fia you guys were awesome on the stage. Your
    clothes were also cool to even with those light up bracelets and nickleces
    from cree


Copyright and Tshirt Design

Today in Cybersmart we learned about Copyright and attribution. We learned that to use other peoples images you have to have permission or u...